Saturday, August 25, 2012

Marbling with Saran Wrap

Here's another design that a friend posted on my wall. This is a good one for anyone that has wanted to try water marbling, but doesn't want the hassle of taping your fingers and swirling polish on the water's surface.
This picture is not mine...I'm not sure who to credit it to.

I didn't take a picture of my supplies because you can use just about any polish colors that you'd like.

What you'll need:
  • clear polish
  • two contrasting colored polishes
  • saran wrap a.k.a. cling wrap
  • scissors
  • paper towel
-Prep work-
Before you start painting your nails I suggest getting your saran wrap ready. You will need a small, scrunched up piece for each nail. It's best to do this first because the saran wrap will lift any wet polish off of your nails.

 Start off by painting your nails with your clear polish.

Now, decide which color is going to be the base color. I chose to use Sally Hansen's "Blue Me Away!" as the base color. Paint all of your nails with your first color and allow them to dry completely.

The next part has to be done one nail at a time. You're going to paint your second color over the first one. I used Sally Hansen's "Lightening". You need to work quick here. Right after you paint a nail, take a piece of your pre-cut saran wrap and blot your nail just a couple of times.
I know that it looks strange and not so great here...but it gets better. (This is the second time I've tried this design - I was less than pleased with the first attempt a few weeks ago.) Repeat the process of painting and blotting for each of your nails. Let that second color dry for a little bit, then paint on your clear top coat.

Voila! Marbled nails sans water.
This is a little bit messy to do. I used a few Q-Tips and acetone to clean up around each of my nails.

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Follow P.I.L

Guess what! You can now follow Paint It Lovely by e-mail. I realize that a lot of people don't use Google email or Blogger - so this is more for you folks.

There's a handy little section to the right of the blog. Type your email into that box and you'll be notified when the blog is updated. Yay!
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Friday, August 17, 2012

Mod Dots

This week one of my friends, Jessica (check out her Etsy store!), posted this picture on my Facebook wall. I thought it was a really cute design and wanted to try it out myself.
It's really simple and quick! Here's what you'll need:
  • clear polish
  • gray polish
  • black polish
  • blue polish
  • yellow polish
  • toothpicks or a dotting tool
  • paper plate or scrap paper
If you've been following along with the blog, you know what to do first. Paint on that clear base coat.

Next paint on one or two coats, depending on your polish, of your gray polish. Orly's "Faint of Heart" took two coats to get it where you couldn't see any streaks.
Orly's "Faint of Heart"
You'll be using your piece of paper or paper bowl as a palette. Put a dot or two of the black polish on your palette. Dip a toothpick into the polish and add a few dots, anywhere from four to seven, to the side of each nail. Make sure that they are all on the same side of your nails. Like this...
Finger Paints "Black Expressionism"
Place some blue polish on your palette. Using a new toothpick, do the same thing with your blue polish, only dab on fewer dots. Layer the blue dots on over the black dots.
Santee "Neon Sapphire"
Add some yellow polish to your palette. Use the smaller end of your toothpick to add a few yellow dots to each of your nails. The brighter the better. The yellow really pops against the darker colors.
Sally Hansen "Lightening"
 All that's left to do is paint on that clear top coat. I love how simple this design is and think it would look great with neon colors too. Have fun and try different color combos! Post your designs on the Facebook page!
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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

French with a Twist(er)

Earlier this week I was watching That 70's Show (love that show!) on NetFlix; in the episode I was watching Leo mentioned the game Twister. I thought this would be a fun twist on a french tip manicure, or it would look cute as a full nail design. The nice thing about it is that it's soooo easy!

For this design you are going to need:
  • clear coat (for the base and top coats)
  • white polish
  • red polish
  • blue polish
  • yellow polish
  • green polish
  • toothpicks (one for each color if possible) or a dotting tool
  • a palette (paper plate, piece of paper, etc.)

The polishes I used were:
  • Finger Paints "Paper Mache"
  • Santee "Neon Sapphire"
  • Wet n' Wild "Sage in the City"
  • CQ "Rouge"
  • Sally Hansen Insta-Dri "Lightening"
First things first - paint on that clear base coat. This will help protect your nails from staining.

Next, paint all of your nails white. Depending on your polish it may take more than one coat. I did two so that the polish was opaque (not see through).
The toothpicks I used are pointy on one end and blunt on the other. The blunt end makes a perfect dotting tool. If your toothpicks aren't make like this here is a secret. Dip the tip of the toothpick in a polish, then let it dry. Do this a couple of times until you get a bead of polish built up to the size you would like your dots to be.

I decided to do only a couple dots at a time of each color - that way the dots looked more random and layered. However, you could do all the blue dots at once, then the red, and so on. Also, I only did the tips of my nails. It was cute, but feel free to get creative!

Use your scrap paper or paper plate as a palette for your nail polish. I would only put a little bit on of each color at a time. That way it doesn't dry out and a bunch of polish goes to waste.  Like I said before, I alternated colors. The following pictures show how the look progressed. You can use any order of colors though.
That's it! It's simple, and it's quick! Paint on your top coat and you're good to go!

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Monday, August 13, 2012

Caviar Update

I got a lot of compliments and a lot of "what happened to your nails?!" comments on this manicure. It was fun to see people's different reactions. The manicure lasted me a little over 24 hours, however it could have lasted a lot longer if I didn't mess with it.

The reason I say that is because I have a really bad habit of messing with my nail polish. Once it starts to chip I tend to peel it off of my nails. >.< So, I blame myself for this manicure not lasting very long. This is one reason I have stayed away from textured inability to leave them alone.
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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Champagne & Caviar

One of the latest trends in nail art is the Caviar manicure. The nail polish brand Ciate has announced the release of a kit containing everything you need to achieve this look. However, that kit comes with a hefty price tag of $25. That's pretty pricey, considering this look may not be for everyone - I honestly wasn't sure how I'd feel about it once I was wearing - and the fact that there is supposedly a waiting list for the before mentioned kit. Yikes!

The reason I say "yikes" is because I got the same look for $3.99, not counting the cost of polish which I already had. That's a big savings from the name brand kit, huh? The only thing I had to buy new were microbeads...which by the way are not the same as seed beads. More on that later.

I really like the look of this manicure, and there are so many different things you could do with it. For this tutorial I decided to do something matching the name "Caviar". Now, I've never had caviar - and I have no desire to try it. The one time I tried champagne I was not impressed at all...I'd rank it as one of the worst tasting things I've ever had. But, supposedly the two go well together...supposedly.

Let's get to it!

  • clear base & top coat polishes
  • black polish
  • champagne colored polish
  • black microbeads
  • paper bowl or plate

I specifically used:
  •  Finger Paints "Black Expressionism"
  • China Glaze "Fast Track"
  • Recollections black microbeads
Again, microbeads are not the same as seed beads. Crafty people may already know this - I did not. Microbeads are not found in the jewelry section of the craft store...they are found in the scrapbooking section. Apparently they are a page "embellishment". So, don't get the seed beads because they are too big to get this look. Whew! On to the manicure!
Microbeads vs. Seed Beads
As always, paint on your clear base coat.

Next, paint your ring fingers and thumbs one coat of the black polish. Paint your other nails the champagne color. Depending on your polish, it may take more than one coat; mine took two. Let your nails dry.
  Once your nails have dried it is time to sprinkle on those microbeads. You are going to want to do this one nail at a time. The nail polish MUST be wet in order for the microbeads to stick to the polish. Repaint your first black nail, hold it over the paper bowl/plate, and sprinkle the beads over the top of the wet polish. Rotate your nail so that you get the beads on all sides. Gently press down on the beads to embed them into the polish better.
Repeat this for each of the other black polished nails. If you'd like you can paint over the beads with a clear top coat. I would do a thin coat because you don't want to get dried globs of polish on the beads.
Looks a lot like caviar, right? I have a feeling that this 3D manicure isn't too practical. I've only been wearing it for 15 minutes though and it still looks great. That may change by the time I wake up - I'll keep track of how long it lasts and post an update when I have a better idea.

I would love to see any recreations of this design, or if you tried something different. The next time I try this I want to use microbeads in a variety of colors over pink polish. Ice cream and sprinkles anyone?

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Monday, August 6, 2012

Popcorn Nails!

My husband and I have been watching a lot of movies and DVDs over this past weekend - due to our internet being out. It's working again for the time being; just decides to take a break every now and then. *eye roll*

Anyways, watching all of those movies inspired this manicure! I think it would also be great if you are going a fair or carnival.

You can paint all of your nails with this design, or like I did here - just painting it on your thumb and ring finger as "accent nails."

What you'll need:
  • clear polish (for your base and top coats)
  • white polish
  • red polish
  • light yellow polish
  • darker yellow polish
  • dotting tool (a toothpick works well too)
  • thin brush or striper
The colors I used:
  • Finger Paints "Paper Mache" (white)
  • CQ "Rouge"
  • Sinful Colors "Unicorn"
  • Sally Hansen Insta-Dri "Lightening"
As always, paint on that clear base coat to protect your nails.

You'll need to decide if you want the popcorn design on all of your nails, or just as an accent. If you want the design on all of your nails, paint all of your nails white. (Depending on your polish this may take two coats to be opaque.) If you are going to have the design as an accent, paint your ring fingers and thumbs white. Next, paint the other three fingers on each hand red. Like so.

Now you are going to need that striper, or thin brush, to paint vertical stripes on your white polished nails. Personally, this is the hardest part for me...especially on my right hang. Take your time and steady your painting hand on the table.
Once your stripes have dried it is time to put some popcorn on those nails. First, take your light yellow polish and use your dotting tool to put groups of three or four dots together. This is going to be the puffy part of the popcorn.
When those have dried use that dotting tool again to put a couple darker yellow dots in each popcorn piece. If you put them on different sides of the light yellow groups it looks like the popcorn is facing different directions.
Let that dry for a little bit, then use that clear polish to paint on a top coat. I prefer to use a fast-drying top coat with designs that are thicker - you'll notice that the popcorn dots are raised a little. I use Sally Hansen's Insta-Dri top coat, but Seche Vite is a very popular one...I like Sally Hansen's prices better. :)

I hope you enjoyed this one! It was a lot of fun to do.

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